Study of Competitiveness- A Case Study of DHL

Case Study: Study of Competitiveness- A Case Study of DHL

What are some of the challenges Deutsche Post DHL may face as it seeks to implement the new tools worldwide? How do these challenges change the job of the local marketing managers? 

When a multinational organization want to implement technological and other organizational change in the international environment, there are always many challenges to be faced. The first challenge is the availability of the people in the different regions to correctly correspond to the complexities of the changes being brought in. I mean that there might not even be sufficient human resource on ground to implement the change by correctly understanding it. Another challenge is the laws that govern the corporations in the countries and regions where the changes would be implemented. DHL post may need prior permissions from certain government authorities which could take a long period of time.

The local marketing managers have to correspond to each challenge because they are the actual representatives of DHL. They might find it hard to implement if the new changes are very complex or expensive. But, it is possible that some managers are already used to these new technologies from previous experiences and positively correspond to them.