Shopping online can be social again as it was in person says the chief executive officer of Alvenda

Shopping online can be social again as it was in person says the chief executive officer of Alvenda. Do you think this is a stretch or are we in the midst of a turning point in online shopping?

Online shopping has been evolving since the inception of Amazon, which is one of the pioneer. It is true that shopping, be it online or in person, can be done individually as well in groups. Having said that, online shopping has almost always been an individual process. But, things are changing. Because online shopper can comment on what they are buying, share their shopping experiences and reviews on social media platforms, online shopping is also becoming a social process. The chief executive officer of Alvenda is true in this regard in my opinion.

My personal experience of online shopping is really social to be honest. Before I buy something, I share the link of the product page with my family and friends and get their opinion about what to do. I usually get really good feedback from them and the purchasing decisions are not bad at all. Socializing the online shopping makes you feel as if you had these people with you when you were making the purchase.

Second Opinion

It is true that the shopping online can be social. The social media has played a great role in the online shopping as it has developed a platform for marketing. The use of the online shopping has increased nowadays, and a lot of people do the online shopping. Social media can also change the purchase habits. For example, when a person has an upcoming birthday or an anniversary, then giving the advertisement to him about new clothes shoes etc. will be very useful. Hence, these things have a huge impact on the purchasing habits on the people (Lozancic, 2018). I believe, that we are at a turning point in the online shopping era where we can feel the online shopping experience just like we are shopping offline in stores. Moreover, social networking sites also help the organizations and e-commerce sites to depict the choice type of a person by keeping a check on their activities. This has already brought a revolution in the online shopping industry. I believe that as the technology is advancing at a great pace, it will also improve the online shopping experience. These advances will be very helpful for the customers to make the decisions. Hence, there will be a turning point in online shopping, which will come very soon, and this will completely enhance our online shopping experience.