Sample Outline: Business Advertisement and Marketing Proposal

Sample Outline: Business Advertisement and Marketing Proposal

  • Name of organization

“Crush Food Chain”

  • Contact at the organization (list yourself if you are creating a plan for a business you would someday like to run).

Ali Alnaeem

Streetdway New York, NY 10008, USA


  • General background (what the business does/produces, who it serves, etc).

The business is aimed at being a traditional style restaurant serving food with style and taste to families with menu including both traditional, continental and fast food items.

  • Address whether you will be analyzing a current plan or developing a new plan.

As it is a new business so it will be a mix of current plan with exciting and applicable and most importantly achievable plan to get on the success road in less than planned time.

  • Outline the objectives your plan will seek to achieve.
  • To be one of the modern and traditional style mix restaurant
  • To provide the quality food products at affordable prices to everyone
  • To educate the customers about food trends and health related cuisines
  • To remain a small but unique restaurant with diverse and healthy meals