To what extent is the conservatism of the 1970s and 1980s a reaction to the policies and movements of the 1960s? To what extent does the conservatism of the 1970s and 1980s capture some of the ideas of the 1960s …

To what extent is the conservatism of the 1970s and 1980s a reaction to the policies and movements of the 1960s? Read more »

Compare and contrast Reagan’s first inaugural with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first inaugural. What similarities do you see? What differences are there? According to Roosevelt’s inaugural speech, the government of the USA had the economic capacity to change the lives of …

Compare and contrast Reagan’s first inaugural with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first inaugural. Read more »

For Ronald Reagan what is the difference between the American government and the American nation? What is his vision for the American nation? What is his vision for American government? Ronald Reagan considered American government and nation as two different …

For Ronald Reagan what is the difference between the American government and the American nation? Read more »