Which type of employee review would be the most difficult for you to conduct?

Read The Essential Performance Review Handbook. Which type of employee review would be the most difficult for you to conduct (examples in chapter 7)? What have you learned from reading this book that you can incorporate to make this type of review go more smoothly and help create a productive employee?

There are two types of people that I think would be the hardest to deal with. The first of these would be the individual who is just simply non-cooperative based on the newness of the individual performing the review. I think the best way to overcome this is to address the specifics of the position and the people being worked with. For example, you may be newly promoted but the people you are reviewing are not in your old department so they have no real reason to not respect your position. However, you as a new supervisor may feel uncomfortable being in a position to review others like this. I would say confidence is what you can take away from the reading as well as making sure to really get to know the position as well as the people being reviewed so that there is a little bit more comfort in conducting what the position requires of you. Also, managers who are new usually have senior managers or HR that they can lean on and get some help from. The second type of review that would be difficult would be the employee who has seniority and has been in a position for a long time. It is hard to let these people know that anything they do is wrong and needs to be changed. They can perhaps be dealt with, with more patience as well as allowing them to have their say and have a conversation about their performance instead of jumping straight into a review that is critical.