Determine whether each change is physical or chemical.

Determine whether each change is physical or chemical. What kind of property (chemical or physical) is demonstrated in each case?

A copper wire is hammered flat.

Copper wire being hammered flat is a physical change because the composition has not changed. This makes it a physical property.

A nickel dissolves in acid to form a blue-green solution.

A nickel dissolving in acid and forming a blue-green solution is a chemical change. This makes it a chemical property.

Dry ice sublimes (changes into a gas) without melting.

Dry ice subliming without melting is a physical change because it is only changing properties, not composition. This makes it a physical property.

A match ignites when struck on a flint.

A match inviting when struck on a flint is a chemical change because it changes its composition to a flame. This makes it a chemical property.


Cumulative Problem #69