Why is it difficult to stop pirated copyright materials from showing up on the Internet?

Why is it difficult to stop pirated copyright materials from showing up on the Internet?

Because China does not have any legal copyright protection laws, it is difficult to stop pirated material from showing up on the Internet. Mainly, China does not have any IP protection system which makes an uphill struggle for companies doing business there. Therefore, individuals’ rights remain a theatrical notion at best. Until infringement is seen as an immediate threat to economic, those protection systems will not be enforced.

Why are copyrights law useful in this situation?

Because Copyright laws protect the rights of the original author, they would be useful in situations like this one. The main purpose of enforcing these laws is to encourage inventors to create original works that enrich public life.

Why isn’t Disney fighting with 56.com?

Disney is nor fighting with 56.com for the following reasons: First of all, China does not enforce copyright policies so basically, 56.com is not doing anything wrong legally. Secondly, Disney does not really care about their shows being pirated. What they ultimately care about is using 56.com as a channel of distribution which it contributes with their increment.