How does a natural ecosystem offer suggestions towards more economical and eco-friendly human model?

Economical and eco-friendly human model

How does a natural ecosystem offer suggestions towards more economical and eco-friendly human model?

Human generations have been relying over natural resources since the beginning. The introduction of artificial industrial products have added to facilitate humans but at the same time, they have added to an imbalance of the natural order. If we go back to rely on a natural ecosystem, we would be able to produce organic food which would be more health and help us get rid of chemical fertilizers which are causing an imbalance of the natural ecosystem and is a non-sustainable option. In the same way, the way we are cutting forests is contributing towards global warming and natural disasters.

How do humans affect the greater food web? In this model, how could humans who do not live in the ecosystem still manage to alter the flow of energy within the web?

Humans may hunt in great numbers. Humans also contribute towards destroying natural habitat of animals and plants. These could be the reasons to negatively affect the balance of the natural environment and the energy within the web.