Consider how environment and hereditary have contributed to the similarities and differences between twins.

Module 2: Time to Reflect

Course Name: The principle of Child development

Time to Reflect

Consider how environment and hereditary have contributed to the similarities and differences between twins.

The twins are identical because they are developed from a single fertilized egg and genome in them is also similar. With the similarities, there are also some differences in twins because of the influence of their surroundings or environment. The characteristics of twins are identical because of the hereditary while the environmental factors contribute to the differences between twins. The physical looks of twins such as same eyes, nose, lips or physique are the hereditary features that are identical because of the genetics while the behavior or capabilities of twins can be different because of the environment such as the family environment.


What is your opinion about the possibility of modifying genes? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

The genetic modification is a technique using which the scientists can change the characteristics of an animal, plant or humans by transferring a piece of DNA from one organism to other. The main advantage of the modification of genes is that with this process, the desired properties can be added in any organism such as resistance to any disease or deficiency. The disadvantage of modifying genes is that functional genes may replace other essential genes which can lead to other diseases. Another disadvantage is that all humans would have a similar genome which may cause unknown kind of disease and can extinct human population.


Which methodology do you believe is best for dealing with infertility? Why?

The most suitable methodology to deal with the infertility is the donation of eggs that are implanted by IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) technology. IVF is a process in which eggs are collected and then fertilized by the sperm from the outside body in an embryology laboratory. In the IVF method, an Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is used by which the sperms are directly injected into the ovum or the female. After that, the sperm can either be mixed with the eggs present in the ovum and allows the normal fertilization, also known as conventional insemination or a single sperm is injected into the mature egg.


What are the pros and cons of conventional hospital delivery, home delivery or birth center delivery?

The hospital delivery is the best and safest option to deliver a baby because it offers more technology and operation rooms when there is any need. The advantages of home delivery are experienced women, more control, and delivery in a familiar setting. The delivery in a birth center is considered as a natural birth option that provides quality health care services.

Most of the hospital are impersonal and intimidating in which the private rooms are not as such private. The home delivery is a messy process, and the insurance cost is not covered in this option. The limitation of the birth center is rigid screening criteria which even disregards healthy mothers.


Consider some of the reasons infants’ sensory competencies may vary. Suggest what family might do to compensate for these conditions.

The reason infants’ sensory competencies vary is a natural environment, which includes, family environment and community setting. The families can compensate for these conditions by setting a same natural environment for the disabled infants as the same aged infants. The family life learning can play an important role in this. The family life learning includes a daily routine of each family member, playing, family rituals, entertainment and celebrations, and socialization experiences. Moreover, community life opportunities can also be helpful in this situation that includes community events, family outing, religious events, sports, recreation activities, and religious activities. While the child with a disability can gain benefit from both planned or spontaneous events.