Compare and contrast Deming PDCA and TQM – Final Project

Compare and contrast Deming PDCA and TQM – Final Project

The fundamental goal of both concepts i.e. Deming PDCA and TQM is to achieve a high level of quality that ensures customers satisfaction. Both concepts involve employees to seek for customer feedback in delivering high quality products or services. In the following discussion, I will describe both concepts one by one and provide contrast and comparison.

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Quality is a standard that plays a decisive role in deciding the superiority or inferiority of a product or service (“Total Quality Management Models”, 2017). Total quality management that encompasses many quality related concepts and standards. it is a continued effort by all of the employees of an organization to make sure that the long term goals of the customer loyalty are achieved. Different standards and different models of TQM are available. Some of them are as follows.

Deming application Prize

ISO quality management standards

European Foundation for Quality Management

We can say that the aim of TQM is the same as that of the PDCA, that is to present the best service or product to the customer but TQM is not a specific process as the PDCA which I will explain in the coming discussion.

Deming PDCA

PDCA is primarily a process that ensures the establishment of a production cycle which will be able to deliver the best possible quality. The cycle is defined in the following discussion (“Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)”, 2017).

Plan (P): At this phase of the PDCA process, a problem is identified. The employees of the organization are requested to come up with their problems. The primary cause of the problem is identified. Data and tools related to the solution of the problem are gathered and organized.

Do (D): Solutions are organized to the identified problems. Different strategies are developed to implement the solutions to the problems.

Check (C): At this stage, a check is carried out to make a comparison of what would be the situation before and after the implementation of the solution.

Act (A): This is the implementation phase. The employees implement the devised solutions and prepare to plan for the solution of other problems, going back to the plan phase.