UBS PaineWebber’s business operations debilitated by malicious code

Case Study: UBS PaineWebber’s business operations debilitated by malicious code

The planting of a software logic bomb is a good example of the nature of cyber attacks which can take place in corporate society. It is a fact that cyber criminals are becoming increasingly advanced with time and it is especially alarming when those cyber criminals are a company’s employees. It becomes especially easy for an employee to infiltrate business infrastructures and launch a malware or hazardous programs bringing about losses of billions per year. In such a situation the following approach could prove very beneficial.


Increasing employee awareness


Employee awareness is one of the most cost-effective methods when it comes to the prevention of cyber attacks. It is important to make sure that as a company your employees are trained on cybersecurity. It is critical also to understand that cyber attacks can also occur by a cybercriminal accessing an employees’ computer. This is the reason why it is imperative for a company to implement training on privacy. This could also help employees be able to catch up on malicious activities from their members. This in-house policing is for their good.


Creation of strong passwords and changing them on a regular basis


Security experts recommend that one should never use the similar passwords for accounts. This is like asking for all your personal information to be accessed. Creation of diverse passwords that is a combination of numbers, symbols, and other factors goes a long way in ensuring that it is safe and secure. These passwords should be changed every few months. As the owner of a company or employee, this should be a basic requirement.