What are YouTube’s revenue resources?

YouTube vs Google  Revenue Model

“What are YouTube’s revenue resources?

How are these revenue models related to google?

If we offer all kinds of supports such as financial support, how can you beat YouTube? “

We see a lot of advertisement on television every day. TV channels earns money for showing these advertisements. The same is the case with YouTube, they show advertisement from advertisers to their video viewers and earn from it. The only difference here is that YouTube shares some of the revenue with the owners of the YouTube channels who post videos to it.

The revenue models of Google and YouTube are similar as they are working in the same online environment and use the same revenue generating engine called AdSense. Both the advertisers and the owners of YouTube channels or website can use one AdSense account.

I think that it is not possible at present to beat YouTube because it already has millions and billions of videos and visitors. This amount of data takes years to collect, not just money. Also, it requires millions of people publishing videos which may not be arranged in short time irrespective on how much money you want to spend.