What is the main reason behind the high levels of Asian immigrants’ self-employment and self-employed entrepreneurship?

What is the main reason behind the high levels of Asian immigrants’ self-employment and self-employed entrepreneurship?

Reason Asian immigrants’ self-employment and self-employed entrepreneurship?

There are two major reasons for high level of Asian immigrants’ self-employment and self-employed entrepreneurship. Firstly United State has been flooded with highly educated Asian immigrants whereas the primary market demand was limited. Due to the limited demand of highly educated Asian immigrants in the skilled market, most of the Asian immigrants turned towards starting their own small businesses termed as self-employed entrepreneurships. Second reason for these self-employed entrepreneurships has been the fact that most of the Asian immigrants take advantage of the free labor of their family members. Women in Asian families provide support in terms of domestic labor as well as free business labor in the business. Exploiting this free labor opportunities and keeping businesses open for extended hours are the key to their success in the small business or self-employed entrepreneurship.