• How will you make use of the resources given to you as a student (Ebscohost Smarthinking)?

How will you make use of the resources given to you as a student (Ebscohost Smarthinking)?

Making Use of Available Resources in the University

Ebscohost Smarthinking, as well as other  tools and systems that provide assistance to students, is one of the best things technology has to offer. Learning is faster and easier nowadays with such tools, because students don’t usually need to physically go to libraries and copy notes manually just to cope up with their studies. Through online tools such as Ebscohost, online library databases that contain an expansive bank of books, peer-reviewed academic journals, newspaper and trade publication articles, etc. can be accessed with a click of the mouse. These sources provide a copious amount of information and knowledge which can be used as tutorial tools and references for paper projects. In fact, as Ebscohost is a component of miscellaneous or library fees, students can access academic journals and books that are normally bought.

In this age wherein almost everything written on paper assignments are sourced from online articles, Ebscohost help users avoid utilizing doubtful and untrusted materials and resources such as Wikipedia, personal blogs, and other fake sites. Some of the dangers of technology is the rising number of dubious sites that provide either wrong or unfounded information, and the laziness of students to identify which ones are accurate and unbiased (Kibirige, & DePalo, 2000).