Identify and discuss the classification of powers between national and state governments.

Identify and discuss the classification of powers between national and state governments.

Since neither the federal government nor the state governments have the power to exercise the complete form of law, there is a necessary relationship that is experienced between the two. This sees that the national government typically has ultimate authority, but still cedes power to the states in certain areas. The national government enjoys delegated powers, which are those powers of law explicitly granted in the Constitution, as well as implied powers, which are not expressly granted in writing (I, 8). This gives the federal government the ability to regulate all commerce that is interstate or foreign, raise a military, coin money, and establish federal courts, amongst other things. The states are granted the powers that are not given to the national government. These are referred to as reserved powers, and exist primarily as a result of the Tenth Amendment. This gives states the right to regulate all commerce that occurs only within the state, control public school systems, and administer their elections amongst other things. There is also shared powers, known as concurrent powers, which allow participation from both national and state governments. Taxes, judicial courts, and law enforcement all fall under the title of concurrent powers in the American system.