SkyDiver Case Study, Technical Report and Matlab File

SkyDiver Case Study

A skydiver with a mass of 80 kg (including parachute) jumps out of an airplane at an altitude of 4000 m, the initial vertical velocity is 0 m/s. He free-falls for 40 seconds before opening a parachute. The parachute has a 10 m diameter when completely opened (you can assume it opens instantaneously).
Create a program in MATLAB that calculates and plots the skydiver’s vertical speed and altitude as a function of time using the following equations and values. Remember that the skydiver cannot exceed the terminal velocity and the parachute has a fail safe to open at 1000 m.


In addition to the plots, output the answers to the following questions the command
1. Is terminal velocity reached before the skydiver opens the parachute?
what time did the skydiver reach terminal velocity?
2. At what altitude did the parachute open?
3. Does the skydiver open the parachute or did the failsafe mechanism open it?

Matlab File:project2_

Technical Report: Technical Report



Skydiving is a game in which members hop or tumble from airplane at height. They can perform a collection of elevated moves before conveying a parachute to moderate their plummet, permitting them to come delicately to lay on the Earth underneath. The sport is also known as parachuting, in a reference to that vital piece of safety equipment. Individuals at distinctive levels of physical wellness can partake in skydiving. In the military, skydiving was originally intended to be a backup safety mechanism for airmen. If a plane became disabled during flight, the pilot could deploy a parachute to save his life. A MATLAB code is written that helps to compute various parameters related to skydiving, e.g., at what time did skydiver reach terminal velocity, downward acceleration, at what altitude the parachute will open etc. These calculations are based on diameter of parachute, initial altitude and open time of parachute.


1 Introduction

2 Methodology

3 Results

4 Discussion 3

5 Conclusion and Recommendation 7

6 References