What are the most effective ways to find ambiguities and discrepancies of solicitation?

What are the most effective ways to find ambiguities and discrepancies of solicitation?

An ambiguity is when there are more than one interpretation of something, and a discrepancy is a lack of similarities between two things. In making contracts, there can be misleading clauses in contracts that could end up costing a bidder a lot of money if it is not read through carefully and noticed.  The single most effective way to find ambiguities and discrepancies of solicitation is to fully read through the contracts. In fact, one study I found actually showed that if companies were ordered to answer under oath whether or not they read through every clause in the company contract the answer would be no. This is very eye-opening to me, because if reading the contract through is the most effective way to find any of these problems, why are companies not reading through each and every clause? If discrepancies and ambiguities are in a solicitation, reading through the entire contract will be the most effective way to highlight them.