What does Conflict Mode Instrument say about me?

Conflict Mode Instrument


Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) is utilized to know about the responsive behavior of a person to conflicting situations. This instrument tells if a person would satisfying his/her concerns or be “assertive” when in a conflict or would be “cooperative” and try to create a win-win situations. Conflict is not always a bad thing (“Conflict Resolution”). This inventory can help us in channelizing our conflict resolution behavior for good.


I scored high on the “collaborating” sub scale of the test that means I am a person who I capable to collaborate when in a conflict situation. It suggests that I am good at relationships and always look for acceptable to all solutions. This is suggested to be a good quality when in a conflict situation in organizational work as there are more windows of opportunities to create win-win situations. The second high score that I got was for the “avoiding” sub scale. This means that when I am in a conflicting situation, I try to avoid the situation and remain neutral. This is not suggested to be a productive organizational behavior.


This is one of the best behavior test that I have ever attempted. It was dead accurate that I am always looking for a win-win situation and try my best to create a situation which not only suits me but also makes others satisfied. The test also shed some light on my other behavior in cases of conflicts. That is when I think that there is no win-win solution possible, I might complete withdraw and show an avoidance behavior. This could be suggesting that I am a perfectionist that is not always a good behavior.


This test has pointed out the good and bad in me when it comes to making decision in conflict situations. I believe that I need to work on the bad part and start to stop avoid conflicts as they are not always bad and a plausible solution may also be achievable. In my organizational life, I must be able to face conflicts and cooperate and collaborate with other team or group members to resolve all the conflicts.