Assignment 2 and QUIZ 2

Assignment 2 + QUIZ 2

Consumers are bombarded with information and one of the challenges of marketing is “getting noticed”.  In Chapter 3, six factors that create attention are discussed.  For this assignment you will find a product or service that has gone to the extreme to get noticed.  Discuss each of the factors that contribute to “getting noticed” for your product or service choice.  For this assignment, you will write a paper discussing the factors associated with your product/service of choice. 

Creating Customer Attention 

Every company has a problem when it comes to attracting the attention of consumers for their products. The varying perceptions and preferences for the customers need a company to be more creative in designing ways of getting the customers to notice their brands. Six factors have been proposed to assist a marketing department in getting the attention of customers (Babin & Harris, 2012). These include the intensity of stimuli, contrast, movement, surprising stimuli, the size of stimuli and involvement (Babin & Harris, 2012).

Coca-cola is a leading manufacturer of beverages that has managed to get the attention of the customers in all ways possible. Ranging from the animated television advertisements to sponsoring of events, the company has gone out of its way to get the attention of the customers. The advertisement in the United Kingdom showing a grandpa taking coca-cola as a healthy tip is contrasted to the common notion that the old should not take soft drinks. This has made the brand known to almost all the customers in the continent. In the same way, to gain customer attention, coca-cola brands advertisements and commercial involved increased activity especially movement. This is evidence by the supernatural cartoony advertisements showing the refreshment and strength acquired after taking the beverages. The movement also is seen on the electronic billboards effectively capturing the attention of the customers (Babin & Harris, 2012). In this regard, the beverages are shown in a dynamic movement as they are poured to show the refreshing nature and originality of the brands.

As a market leader in beverage production, the company has the mandate to maintain a loyal customer base. This has been achieved by maintaining a constant invention of new advertisement methods with a unique touch that sticks in the memory of the clients (Babin & Harris, 2012). From the past, coca-cola utilized a song that was sang by the whole world known as “Hilltop.” This song advertised the most famous brand, Coke. The song was known by heart by most of the nations around the world. This is a surprising stimulus as getting the whole world to sing a simple song is quite complex (Babin & Harris, 2012). Since then, coca-cola has had a series of surprising advertisements including in 2012 when the users could send customized messages to other fans in the world through “buy the world a Coke”. As such, the brands from coca-cola are famous across the globe. Indeed, coca-cola believes in the importance of the size of stimuli in cap[truing the attention of the customers; the company always utilizes masses in its commercials to show the wide-range of countries that believe in their brand. This has efficiently established positive perceptions in the customers leading to a large customer base.

Involvement is also part of the company’s mandate to the community; coca-cola regards the personal preferences of the customer. After increased concerns of the increased calories in the soft drinks, the company came up with new brands including coke zero and coke diet. These brands have lower calories and were considerate of the customers who had the metabolic condition and needed refreshing. The use of all family members ranging from children, youth and senior citizens in the marketing strategies stresses the concern the company has for all age groups. This has led to increased trust in the brand establishing customer attention for the company (Babin & Harris, 2012). From the preceding, it is evident that the marketing strategies adopted by a company can go a long way to increasing the customer attention.


Quiz 2

BUS 335

Consumer Behavior



  1. Social memory refers to the memory for past events in one’s life.



3 points   


  1. The process of comprehension is influenced very little by internal factors within the consumer.



3 points   


  1. The multiple store theory of memory views the memory process as utilizing four different storage areas within the human brain.



3 points   


  1. Sandra and her husband are considering the purchase of a new washer and dryer.  They don’t know much about high efficiency appliances, so they search the Internet, talk to friends and family, and visit several stores to enable them to make a good decision.  Sandra and her husband are engaged in _____ learning.
a.  absolute
b.  informative
c.  intentional
d.  comprehensive

3 points   


  1. When consumers attempt to organize information, which possible reactions may occur?
a.  sensing, perception, or attention
b.  assimilation, accommodation, or contrast
c.  enculturation, acculturation, or extinction
d. marginalization, internalization, or externalization

3 points   


  1. Sensing represents a delayed response to stimuli that has come into contact with one of the consumer’s five senses.



3 points   


  1. Perception refers to a change in behavior resulting from the interaction between a person and a stimulus.



3 points   


  1. A schema that is the best representation of some category but that is not represented by an existing entity is called a(n) _____
a.  script
b.  prototype
c.  exemplar
d.  stereotype

3 points   


  1. Echoic storage is______
a. the storage of visual information
b. the storage of auditory information
c.  broader than iconic storage
d.  unlimited but perishable

3 points   


  1. Which of the following is a natural reflex that occurs as a response to a threat from the environment and represents a protective behavior?
a.  instant reflex
b. condition reflex
c.  orientation reflex
d.  unconditioned reflex

3 points   


  1. Shaping is a process through which the desired behavior is altered over time, in small increments.



3 points   


  1. A tag is a small piece of coded information that helps a particular piece of knowledge get retrieved.



3 points   


  1. _____ show the association between nodes in an associative network
a.  Links
b.  Paths
c.  Spokes
d.  Hubs

3 points   


  1. Implicit memory is memory for things that a person did not try to remember



3 points   


  1. Long-term memory is a repository for all information that a person has encountered.



3 points   


  1. The JND (just noticeable difference) represents how much stronger one stimulus has to be relative to another so that someone can notice that the two are not the same.



3 points   


  1. The process that occurs when preexisting knowledge is used to assist in storing new information is called _____.
a.  repetition
b.  dual coding
c.  meaningful coding
d.  chunking

3 points   


  1. A student who tries to remember all the definitions, goes over the textbook and notes, and answers the questions at the end of each chapter while studying for a test is exhibiting which type of memory?
a.  explicit
b.  implicit
c.  intentional
d.  unintentional

3 points   


  1. A consumer’s awareness and interpretation of reality is known as _____.
a.  perception
b.  attention
c.  exposure
d.  learning

3 points   


  1. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding comprehension?
a.  Comprehension is not influenced by external factors within the consumer’s environment.
b.  Comprehension includes both cognitive and affective elements.
c.  Consumers don’t always comprehend messages in the intended way
d. The process of comprehension is largely influenced by other internal factors within the consumer.