How to write the Outline of An Essay? Sample

Sample: How to write the outline of an essay?


Hooks, Bell, and Sut Jhally. Bell Hooks: Cultural Criticism & Transformation. Northampton N.p., 1997.

How I will use this: Bell Hooks’ essay is categorical about the certain aspects of culture transformation in cultural institutions. Media is a major facilitator of cultural transformation and is accelerating to a point where it is evident on a daily basis.

Jenkins, Henry. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York UP, 2006.

 How I will use this: the essay discusses in steps how culture is becoming transformed from building centralized and self-regulated systems to acknowledging the freedom as well as independence for artistic creation.


“Cracking codes: the Rosetta Stone and Decipherment.” Choice Reviews Online 37.07 (2000): 37-4037-37-4037.

How I will use this: In this film, there are different segments with facilitated dialogue in which people are inspired to engage in bringing change.

“P-SPAN #326: Cracking the Codes — The System of Racial Inequity.” YouTube. N.p., 10 Web. 10 Nov. 2015.

How I will use this: In this video, matters of racial justice are dominant. It serves to bridge the gap between inspiration and democratic acts that support racial equity.


Khan, Shamus, and Colin Jerolmack. “Saying Meritocracy and Doing Privilege.” The Sociological Quarterly 54.1 (2012): 9-19.

How I will use this: In the essay, meritocracy is deemed to be governance by elites deserving to wield power owing to their possession of merit instead of the people belonging to privileged classes in the society.

Longoria, Richard T. Meritocracy and Americans’ Views on Distributive Justice. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2009.

How I will use this: In the essays of this book, there is a relationship between the social class and justice. This creates systems of social mobility as characterized by inequality of opportunity with others regarding them as meritocratic.


Boskin, Joseph, and Catherine Silk. “Racism and Anti-Racism in American Popular Culture: Portrayals of African-Americans in Fiction and Film.” The Journal of American History79.1 (1992): 287.

How I will use this: according to this journal, the film is very influential as concerns matters of racism. Shakti considers racism to have resulted in inequities and that it causes multiple malfunctioning that hurts us all.

Boskin, Joseph, and Catherine Silk. “Racism and Anti-Racism in American Popular Culture: Portrayals of African-Americans in Fiction and Film.” The Journal of American History79.1 (1992): 287.

 How I will use this: in this easy, racism is found to have serious impacts on both the individual and the whole community. There is indeed a link between racism and poor conditions of health and reduced productivity.