How can virtual team members make their teams more successful?

  1. How can virtual team members make their teams more successful? What are some of the things virtual team leaders can do to make their teams more successful?


Some of the measures that can be taken to make virtual teams include;

  • Appointing a leader where non exist and clarify the role of that leader
  • Develop a written team charter in order for the team members to agree on goals, expectations for work styles, conflict resolution, and team member revolution strategies
  • Members should agree on a decision making
  • Team members should practice with the technologies before they are needed for intense tasks with upcoming deadlines
  • Members should practice proactive volunteer for assignments, focusing especially on how ones skill sets can best contribute to the success of the team
  • Team members should communicate and share information frequently
  • The team should review their communications for any effects of disinhibition that may in-advent offend
  • Team leader should let team members know about any change in the context, like emergence of the family, blizzard or illness
  • Team leader should get to know each team member, both to build trust and to understand how each person can best contribute
  • Team leader should arrange a synchronous session and invite members to introduce themselves to kick-off the project, using interactive video, in-person meetings, conference call or chat
  • Team leader should kick-off meeting to raise awareness of any differences in culture or working style
  • Team leaders should use a relatively structured leadership style, with clearly documented assignments, deadlines and expectation
  • Team leader should enhance the group cohesiveness and team identified through team building exercises, team charter and any other means
  • Team leaders should choose collaborative technologies wisely and arrange training to ensure that team members know how to use them. They should use synchronous collaborative tools, mainly with video to discuss sensitive topics
  • Team leader should encourage participants by all members, contacting any who have contributed little to learn why
  • Team leaders should send out frequent reminders about upcoming events and deadlines and finally,
  • Team leaders should use encouragement and praise publicly, but convey constructive criticism privately