What are the consequences of charismatic relationships? Explain and give examples of each.

What are the consequences of charismatic relationships? Explain and give examples of each.

There are both positive and negative consequences of charismatic leadership. The positive outcomes include the inspiration that leaders provide to their followers. The positive nature of leaders draws the followers to follow them. The leadership inspires followers to do their best and improve their performance. For instance, the follows will l finds the leadership deriving them towards their objective through inflicting and inspiring them. This can be done by leadership participation in the team work projects.

Shamir, House & Arthur (1993) have reflected one positive side of charismatic leader to convince followers to walk over hot coals if need be. The risk attached with the project and its challenges feel justifiable to the followers when they are led by charismatic leader they believe in. for instance, the followers will l happily follow the leader with charisma and influence and face the challenges. They will l also strive to compete and improve their skills and abilities to be able to face such challenges (Shamir, House & Arthur, 1993).

The negative outcomes are also associated with charismatic leadership. These negative outcomes include the group thinking to be reduced to the leader’s vision. The charismatic leaders s they shine so bright sometimes affect the followers and other team members forcing them to stifle their beliefs and values. The leaders with charisma for instance, cause the other members to not share their ideas and creative solution because they think their ideas will not be as good as the leader’s or will not be treated equally. This causes the team to have less creativity in the collective effort and more dependency on the leader’s abilities and skills alone.

The other negative outcome of the charismatic leadership is the lack of independence amongst the followers and team members. The team members are so dependent on the leadership that they struggle to find a way to be own their own, measure their risk themselves and try to remove such risks by acting responsible and in full control. The teams in such cases face difficulty in dealing with issues that arise during projects. For instance, the team members under a charismatic lead will l have less control over their own activities and that will lead them to frustration because they will do what their leadership will tell them which in many cases cannot be considered the best and most effective manner to conduct a job. In such cases the followers tend to drive away from the leadership cause and goals.


Shamir, B., House, R. J., & Arthur, M. B. (1993). The motivational effects of charismatic leadership: A self-concept based theory. Organization science,4(4), 577-594.