Richard Branson Shoots for the Moon Instructions: Mini-Case: Richard Branson Shoots for the Moon Would you classify Richard Branson as a manager or a leader? What qualities distinguish him as one or the other? As mentioned earlier in this chapter, …

Would you classify Richard Branson as a manager or a leader? What qualities distinguish him as one or the other? Read more »

1.The sovereign crisis in the EU was caused by the lack of an effective institutions/tools to avoid the macro-economic build-up and, in some countries the deficiency of common Eurozone foundations and fiscal imbalances to effectively engross shockwaves (Wijffelaars and Loman, …

The causes The 2010-2012 sovereign debt crisis in the EU Read more »

  Case Study: The impact of Galawi’s development policy Describe the two strategies for the CEO. The CEO should use two strategies which are firstly related to the communicating with the customers and changing the pricing strategy. Firstly, company must …

Case Study: The impact of Galawi’s development policy Read more »