Would the marine carrier be liable in each of the following scenarios applying COGSA? Nautical Liability of the Carrier: establishing the carrier’s liability. Carrier must do the legal steps at the beginning of the voyage, but the carrier is protected …

Would the marine carrier be liable in each of the following scenarios applying COGSA? Read more »

In what ways do both U.S. law and the CISG contemplate circumstances beyond a party’s control? How are these similar and different from each other?   There are three main differences between the Uniform Commercial Code UCC and Contracts for …

In what ways do both U.S. law and the CISG contemplate circumstances beyond a party’s control? Read more »

How many European nations are there?  In fact, why were European nations formed?  How do the U.S.A. differ from European countries? Totally now Europe includes 51 independent states. Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey are the transcontinental countries, partially located …

How many European nations are there?  In fact, why were European nations formed? Read more »

In what ways do the requirements for jurisdiction differ from those of European nations? How are they similar? According to the textbook (Shaffer, 2015) jurisdiction civil and commercial cases between parties domiciled in two or more European Union (EU) countries …

In what ways do the requirements for jurisdiction differ from those of European nations? Read more »

How do you feel doing business in the Middle East would differ from doing business elsewhere? What special factors (e.g. religious differences, cultural variables, Arab-Israeli relations) bear on your answer? Doing business in the Middle East for me personally is …

How do you feel doing business in the Middle East would differ from doing business elsewhere? Read more »

What is ethics? What is ethics? Why is ethics important to the study of international management? In its simplest form, ethics is a system of moral principles. They affect how people make decisions and lead their lives. Ethics deals with …

What is ethics? Why is ethics important to the study of international management? Read more »

Marketing and Poverty   Introduction: Of all the difficulties fronting manhood—illness, hard drugs, criminality, exploitation, armed battle, global warming, nuclear jeopardies, ecological sustainability—poverty is amongst the greatest persistent and disgraceful. Also, poverty adds significantly to the other issues. The deprived …

Can Marketing be used to change the outcomes of Poverty? Read more »