The Eagly and Johnson (1990) findings as they pertain to sex differences in leadership style Instructions: Accompanying our interest in leadership and widespread reports of the difficulty that women are having breaking the glass ceiling in many of today’s organizations, …

The Eagly and Johnson (1990) findings as they pertain to sex differences in leadership style Read more »

What role do ethics play in leadership? Do you believe that some people abuse it? Why or why not? Provide examples. Ethics is an important element of the organization. The ethical leadership and the ethical roles of the leadership determine …

What role do ethics play in leadership? Do you believe that some people abuse it? Read more »

What is Machiavellianism? What are the dangers associated with leaders who have a strong Machiavellian orientation? The Machiavellianism, according to psychology, is a type of personality in which a person does not choose to be but simply is a manipulator. …

What is Machiavellianism? What are the dangers associated with leaders who have a strong Machiavellian orientation? Read more »

Why is understanding the relationship between leaders and groups important? The understanding between leaders and the followers is important because the followers and leader collectively create a group or team working to achieve a set target that is important to …

Why is understanding the relationship between leaders and groups important? Read more »

What does the concept “substitutes for leadership” mean? The ‘substitutes for leadership’ theory was developed by Steven Kerr and John M. Jermier in 1978. This theory proposes that there are some situational factors that substitute for leadership. The substitutes can …

What does the concept “substitutes for leadership” mean? Read more »

What does the research indicate in terms of the major determinants and outcome associated with trust in leadership? The study of leadership is very extensive and includes various determinants and the causes of success that are attached with effective leadership …

What does the research indicate in terms of the major determinants and outcome associated with trust in leadership? Read more »

Dirks explore follower trust in the leader-follower relationship. He observes that follower trust in the leader appears to influence the level of team performance. Explain why follower trust is important, and how it influences team (group) performance. The leadership- follower …

Dirks explore follower trust in the leader-follower relationship. He observes that follower trust in the leader appears to influence the level of team performance. Read more »

How might lack of cultural dimension play a role influencing leadership? The cultural dimension is the determinant that helps understand the difference between two cultures and more to treat people from different culture according to their values. The main focus …

How might lack of cultural dimension play a role influencing leadership? Read more »

Identify several factors that may serve as leadership substitutes and comment on how their substitution effect may occur. According to the ‘substitutes for leadership’ theory by Steven Kerr and John M. Jermier in 1978, there are some factors that play …

Identify several factors that may serve as leadership substitutes and comment on how their substitution effect may occur Read more »