If we fail to protect a much larger percentage of the world’s remaining old-growth forests and tropical rain forests

If we fail to protect a much larger percentage of the world’s remaining old-growth forests and tropical rain forests, describe three harmful effects that this failure is likely to have on any children and grandchildren you might have.

Forests and tropical rainforests often provide human beings with a high value of ecological services compared to the extracted raw materials from forests products. For that matter, failure to protect a much larger percentage of worlds’ remaining old growth forests and tropical rain forests would deny human beings the ability to enjoy the high-value ecological services associated with forests. Indeed, there are many harmful effects associated with the failure to take proper care of forests. Most of the worse climatic changes are associated with unsustainable cutting down and burning forests. In essence, unfavorable climatic changes are among the results of failure to protect the forests.

Inability to engage forest protection will also mean an intense deforestation as opposed to reforestation regardless of any corporation and individual-based measures put in place to preserve forests (Leavitt, et al., 2009). Such a high level of deforestation would result in hot climatic conditions unfavorable for human lives. There will also be no trees to be used for construction and other domestic and industrial purposes. Both plants and animal species will also become extinct due to a hot environment and lack of a home for the animals and plants. Therefore, future children will not be able to enjoy associated advantages such as adventure and food among others.