The ________ is the area of the planet where water movement and storage occurs.

Ecology and the Environment Quiz 3

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  1. The ________ is the area of the planet where water movement and storage occurs.
a. liquidosphere
b. waterway
c. hydrosphere


  1. Excess ________ in aquatic ecosystems is responsible for dead zones.
a. carbon and hydrogen
b. sulfur
c. phosphorus and nitrogen


  1. Minerals are cycled from land to water by rain and ________.
a. sublimation
b. surface runoff
c. subsurface water flow


  1. climate evidence shows that since the Industrial Revolution, atmospheric ________ levels have steadily increased from the historically highest levels.
a. carbon dioxide
b. oxygen
c. water


  1. The Permian extinction is directly linked with ________.
a. global warming
b. a cataclysmic asteroid
c. several possible causes


  1. Humans impact from agricultural practices is often much larger in ________ regions.
a. wet
b. all regions
c. dry
  1. ______ is one method for recognizing existing biodiversity.
a. Species counts
b. Examining museum specimens
c. DNA barcoding



  1. Habitat restoration can restore and maintain ________.
a. endemic species
b. biodiversity
c. the global climate



  1. A microcosm ________.
a. re-creates an ecosystem in a controlled environment
b. represents the whole of a complex structure, such as the biosphere
c. partitions a part of a natural ecosystem for experimentation




Answer B

  1. in aquatic ecosystems is responsible for dead zones.




  1. _diversity is the raw material that generates adaptation in species.
  2.          Genetic
  3. Ecosystem
  4. General
  5. A(n) ____ is composed of both biotic and abiotic components.
  6.          ecosystem
  7. lithosphere
  8. community
  9. Stratification is the process by which a freshwater lake develops ____.
  10.          different sediment layers
  11. distinct species distributions
  12. layers of different temperatures


  1. Distinctive species can often be found in ____.
  2.          high stress environments
  3. physically small regions
  4. physically isolated geographies


  1. species can often be found in physically isolated geographies.