Paper 1 – Self Perception; Personality Typing (2)

Personality Typing


The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to reflect on your individual influences to your perception and apply the concepts you have learned to recent communication events.


  • Submit this assignment via Canvas.
  • Write in traditional essay format (introduction, body, conclusion)
  • Your answers to each question should be a minimum of one paragraph. Develop thoughtful answers to the questions.
  • In order to get full points you need to use concepts from the textbook and class discussion (cite your sources), and use correct grammar, spelling, structure, etc.
  • When writing reflection papers, there is no right or wrong answer. This assignment is intended for you to learn about yourself based on the concepts we have read/discussed in class. Additionally, you should write in first person.


Answer each question below in at least full-paragraph format.

  1. Based on your MBTI results, reflect on what you learned in class and do more research on the characteristics of your personality type (This is a good site: to an external site.)Links to an external site.):
    1. What is your type? Do you agree or disagree with the information you received? Why or why not? What do you agree with? What are some of the characteristics you most connect with? How do these characteristics affect your interpersonal relationships.
  2. Think about two recent interpersonal communication encounters:
    1. Describe the encounters. Reflecting on this event with your personality type in mind, describe how your type influenced the outcome of that event. What were your strengths? What were your challenges? 
    2. How did your perception of yourself change in light of this encounter?
  3. The end result should be no less than three paragraphs of text plus intro and conclusion paragraphs.

Submit your paper through Canvas.



The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) identifies the 16 personality types of people regarding how they view the world and make a decision. According to the MBTI, people could be categorized using intuition, sensation, thinking and feeling the critical dimensions. In most of the times, one of the primary elements is more prominent for a person. Either one makes decisions with their hearts or use of logic, appreciate structure or flexibility, practical or creative, reserved or expressive. The analysis of my MBTI test results and two scenarios helps prove that the existence of the distinct kinds of personalities among the people describes interpersonal relationships.

My Personality Types

Based on MBTI test results, my personality type is an entertainer (ESFP). I agree with the data because I focus more on opportunities than keeping long term goals. Although I love making people happy and appear to care less about other people’s emotion, I care a lot about other people suffering emotionally, and I try as much as possible to offer emotional support and logical solutions to their troubles. One of the characteristics that I strongly connect with is lack of concentration for long-term projects that require dedication. For this reason, it hurts most of my interpersonal relationships with others specifically where it requires commitment.

Interpersonal Communication Encounter Example 1

Recently, during a group discussion, one of the students was not happy with the sharing of responsibilities. One student assumed the leadership role and assigned everybody their duties. However, the dissatisfied student felt that he had more tasks compared to others leading to an argument. I interrupted the case and offered to share some of the duties given to the disgruntled student. I diffused the situation, and everybody became happy. Because of my strong characteristics of trying to make people happy and avert conflicts, I faced the challenge of taking more work than the other members. The situation changed the selfish perception I have about me to a more altruistic view.


Interpersonal Communication Encounter Example 2

On another occasion, when my close friend and I were analyzing the progress of our business project, we started arguing because I had done almost nothing to achieve my goals. My friend was angry with me for my poor commitment compared to him who had surpassed the objectives. Due to my sensitive nature, I felt like I was a failure in the eyes of my friend. Because of my strong conflict aversive nature and wanting to make my friend happy, I promised to achieve my targets by creating a realistic plan to prove my commitment. Before I viewed myself as a focused person capable of meeting my goals, but after the encounter, I perceived myself as a failure.


The MBTI results proved that my entertainer (ESFP) personality type defines my interpersonal relationships. As an entertainer, I avoid conflicts as much as possible while trying to make everybody happy. Moreover, I use my heart to make decisions, and I find it challenging to maintain commitments. Despite my carefree nature, I care about other people emotions in their time of distress. One fundamental fact about my character is that there is a common personality type.