SOC 100 Final Exam Part 1

SOC 100 Final Exam Part 1

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Which social movement theory refers to organized collective activities that address values and social identities, as well as improvements in the quality of life?

new social movements
relative deprivation
resource mobilization


Countermovements generally advocate for


reversing or halting gains made by a social movement
radical change to the existing social order
increasing globalization of business and culture
more emphasis on identity and quality of life



Which social movement theory refers to a conscious feeling of negative discrepancy between legitimate expectations and present actualities?

new social movements
resource mobilization
relative deprivation


Which of the following is NOT accurate regarding social movements?


They can change how with think and act
They have a dramatic impact on social history
They bring about or resist fundamental change in society
They are never very effective in terms of changing society



Which theory refers to the ways in which a social movement utilizes resources such as money, political influence, access to the media, and personnel?

resource mobilization
relative deprivation
new social movements

The video we watched in class regarding the Libertarian view of pro-life vs pro-choice…


Presented only pro-life arguments
Presented arguments for both sides of the issue
Presented only pro-choice arguments
Was completely irrelevant to the issue


Theorists that adhere to the demographic transition model believe that population growth

will inevitably be checked by elevated death levels due to disease and war caused by food shortages.
will only be checked when governments intervene and dictate the number of children that people can have.
will be checked by a natural decline in fertility rates due to technological, social, and economic changes.
will continue to explode unchecked until a series of major natural disasters kill significant numbers of people.




According to Karl Marx, conflict is

A normal and desirable aspect of social change
Only helpful to the elite
Counterproductive to social change
To be avoided at all costs



What is the term Thorstein Veblen coined to describe people or groups who will suffer in the event of social change?


vested interests
false consciousness
culture resisters

According to the lecture, the informal economy has nothing but negative consequences….



Most consumer goods for sale in the united states are made and/or assembled in other countries




Which of the following describes a “nation-state”?


It is characterized by a geographical territory, organized government, legal system, and military force.
It has similar characteristics as a state, but also a shared sense of peoplehood.
It is a quasi-religious identification with and loyalty to the nation.
It is a formal government headed by a member of the royal family.



In the U.S. political system, Democrats generally advocate for


More government regulation of morality
Greater government regulation of business
Less funding for education
Fewer social welfare programs





What was the main unintended consequence of China’s “one child” policy?


An increase of overall well-being and prosperity
A shortage of females in the population
A shortage of males in the population
Sharp increase in population


Urbanization is a localized phenomenon and is occurring only in developed countries.





Which of the following do women have lower rates of, compared to men?

employment in dangerous occupations
cigarette smoking
consumption of alcohol
all of the above


Which of the following is true about America’s current health care system?


It is paid for from citizen’s taxes and available to all who need it.
It is privatized, so anyone who can afford it can purchase it.
It is partially privatized and partially socialized.
It is unavailable for most citizens.


According to polls, the vast majority of U.S. citizens are worried about global warming/climate change and consider it an important issue facing the country.





Environmental justice focuses on the right of each global citizen to choose how they wish to interact with our natural world.





Which of the following would be the WORST example of a culture-bound syndrome?


Anorexia and bulimia
It is hard to say because society affects how we define and experience disease



Emigration refers to


When individuals of a population leave that group to go elsewhere
Overall percent change in population over a year
When individuals join a population of which they were not previously a member
The movement of people from one population to another



Which of the following are possible explanations for the finding that racial and ethnic minorities make up a large percentage of the people living near dangerous sites?


Racial and ethnic minorities possess less political power than others and cannot prevent toxic sites from being located in their backyards.
Racial and ethnic minorities settle near the sites after they are constructed, because economics and forces of discrimination push them into less desirable living areas.
Both explanations are possible.
Neither of the explanations is possible.


Migration refers to


The movement of people from one population to another
When individuals of a population leave that group to go elsewhere
Overall percent change in population over a year
When individuals join a population of which they were not previously a member

Social movement framing theory suggests that there is only one correct way to view a social issue





Poor areas around the world tend to be underserved in terms of health care in part because

many health care professionals move to developed nations as part of brain drain.
residents in poor countries have little need for medical treatment.
people in poor nations prefer to treat their ill at home.
most health care professionals return to these areas after college abroad.


As part of the sick role, the ill are obligated to

stay home from work indefinitely
attempt recovery by seeing a doctor and returning to normal functioning.
remove themselves from society.
continue to rely on their illness to excuse them from normal functioning.


To which of the following does liberation theology refer?

a religious organization that claims to include most of the members of a society.
people who support a literal interpretation of a sacred religious text.
the use of religious doctrine in a political effort to eliminate poverty, discrimination, and other forms of injustice.
Moses leading the Jews from the oppression of Egypt into the promised land.


Which of the following is true about religious denominations?


They are religious groups that are the outgrowth of sects, yet remain isolated from society.
They are relatively small religious groups that have broken away from a religious organization to renew what they consider the original vision of the faith.
They are generally small, alternative faith communities that represent either a new religion or a major innovation in an existing faith.
They are large, organized religions that are not officially linked to the state or government.



Jim Jones and the Peoples’ Temple (documentary) is an example of which kind of religious group?




In the United States, schoolchildren are taught not to speak until the teacher calls on them, and to regulate their activities according to clocks or bells. This learning experience is referred to as

the teacher-expectancy effect.
the hidden curriculum.
the correspondence principle.


According to lecture, what is NOT one of the problems with American public school education that discourages teachers from staying in the profession?


Standardized testing and curriculum
Insufficient funding for schools
Low salaries
Increasing prestige of the profession



A religious sect is most likely to be founded by…

a group of mainline believers who want to take the religion in radical new directions.
a group of fundamentalists who are dissatisfied with the direction the mainline religion is going.
either of the above.
none of the above.


Hidden curriculum refers to


Placing students in college prep or vocational-technical academic paths
Benefits children receive from their parents’ social class
Teaching students to submit to authority and accept the dominant ideology
Self-fulfilling prophecy based on how teachers perceive students


An increase in the lowest level of education required to enter a field is called:

the worker-expectancy effect.
the hidden curriculum.

Which of the following is true about Max Weber?

He examined the influence of religion on suicide.
He examined the connection between religious faith and the rise of capitalism.
He studied the actions of newly emerging religions in western society.
He called religion the opiate of the masses.


The impact that a teacher’s beliefs about a student’s performance may have on the student’s actual achievements is known as


the hidden curriculum.
the teacher-expectancy effect.
the correspondence principle.


Which of the following is true about new religious movements or cults?


They are generally small, alternative faith communities that represent either a new religion or a major innovation in an existing faith.
They are generally small, alternative faith communities that represent either a new religion or a major innovation in an existing faith.
They are relatively small religious groups that have broken away from a religious organization to renew what they consider the original vision of the faith.
They are religious groups that are the outgrowth of sects, yet remain isolated from society.



Which of the following might be considered a disadvantage of modern technology when it comes to the effectiveness of social movements?


Protests can be coordinated in a fraction of the time it used to take before modern communication.
Information and knowledge are much more readily available to much of the world’s population.
Technology doesn’t effectively replace tried-and-true methods such as prolonged, coordinated efforts at social change.
Fundraising is easier and faster, due to advances in communication and technologies that allow people to contribute online.



Which of the following is true about religious sects?


They are relatively small religious groups that have broken away from a religious organization to renew what they consider the original vision of the faith.
They are religious groups that are the outgrowth of sects, yet remain isolated from society.
They are large, organized religions that are not officially linked to the state or government.
They are generally small, alternative faith communities that represent either a new religion or a major innovation in an existing faith.