What Can Schools and Employers Do to Stop Internet Plagiarism?

What Can Schools and Employers Do to Prevent Internet Plagiarism?

I believe plagiarism is a huge issue in schools and jobs around the country. Throughout many years the notion of plagiarism has evolved and continues to change slowly due to many incidents in the educational and professional work systems. Plagiarism continues to have a large impact on many people today because of many reasons. People have accustomed themselves to take information from others without knowing what plagiarism really means, therefore schools and employers must take actions to inform people of what plagiarism entails and the possible consequences it has once it has been discovered in a professional or educational environment. School and employers must conduct seminars that should be taken and mandatory for every employee and student every year to prevent plagiarism.


Schools and employers have become better at detecting online plagiarism with pre downloaded programs made to search the web and detect any form of plagiarism.These detection programs have helped schools and employers set the people who plagiarize apart from the others who don’t efficiently. In addition, schools and employers can prevent plagiarism by introducing content that appeals to their employees or students because people tend to drift off when their interests are not being presented which usually ends in poor planning, rushing on assignments and failing to understand instructions which could all lead to plagiarism. This epidemic has shaped out schools and jobs in good and bad ways but, I believe there is still a bunch of room for improvement and with the help of advance technologies and software we might have a chance to end this problem for good.