Telecommuting Good or Bad

Telecommuting Good or Bad

Is Telecommuting Good or Bad for Business?  I feel Telecommuting at home is good, but only for designated days of the week and still going into the office.  Having maybe two days of the week is for Telecommuting and the other three for office time.  This can save on commuting to work and fuel cost for the employee.  Moral for the employee can improve taking break from the office and be in a comfort and settling environment at home.


According to CNN the number of telecommuting workers has increased 115% in a decade, a new report from Global Workplace Analytics and, FlexJobs, this translates to 3.9 million workers, or almost 3% of the total U.S. workforce, working from home at least half the time in 2015, an increase from 1.8 million in 2005.  While more companies are offering telecommuting options, larger companies are the most likely to offer the option to workers.  Working outside the office allow employees to have better work-life balance and improves their health and wellness, according to the report.  It also saves them time and money.  Also according to the study Telecommuting full time brings in more than $4,000 in savings each year thanks to reduced expenses on things like gas, parking and public transit costs and dry cleaning.  Government has taken the lead on telecommuting for their employees and has seen workloads handle more efficient.  The employees are placed on flextime schedule and able to move their hours and make up hours to their liking.


My wife for example she worked with government for sixteen years and only been on a flex schedule pass two years.  She enjoys her schedule, she don’t abuse the flextime and takes advantage her time at work to catch up with her manager.  Her moral has improved since being on the schedule, she not taking so many sick days and work load is being handle in a efficient timely manner.  The Teleworking from home has helped on gas cost and toll fees driving to D.C.  Having her stay home has cut down on traffic congestion and vehicle smog.