Biology Quiz

Which protein is in microfilaments?

  1. Actin
  2. Beta tubulin
  3. Vimentin
  4. dynein

 How do proteins that are secreted get to their destination?

  1. Nuclear localization signal, translocation into the phospholipid bilayer of the rough ER, followed by the vesicular transport through the endomembrane.
  2. Signal sequence, translocation into the phospholipid bilayer of the rough ER, followed by the vesicular transport through the endomembrane system
  3. Nuclear export signal, followed by direct budding through the endomembrane system
  4. Signal sequence, translocation into the lumen of the rough ER, followed by the vesicular transport through the endomembrane system

 Which of the following is a function of ribosomes?

  1. Cellular respiration
  2. DNA synthesis
  3. Photosynthesis
  4. Protein synthesis

 You are looking at a cell in a microscope, and you can see both mitochondria and chloroplasts What type of cell is it?

  1. An animal gamete
  2. A fungal spore
  3. A bacterial cell
  4. A plant leaf cell
  5. An animal muscle cell

 Which organelle’s origin can be explained by the

autogenous theory?  

  1. Chloroplast
  2. Endoplasmic reticulum
  3. Mitochondria
  4. Centriole