Solcved: Communication Midterm 1

Communication Midterm 1


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Question 9

The primary goal of a speech is called the:

classical element
defining delivery
persuasion point
rhetorical purpose
subjective approach

Question 10

Critical thinking is important to public speaking because it allows speakers to:

assess what the audience knows
change reality and accuracy
  evaluate the truth of a claim
impose judgments on listeners
overlook personal biases



Question 1

In presentations, which of the following factors would help speakers determine whether they are using understandable language?

audience’s body-clock time
instructor’s biases
listeners’ educational background
speaker’s experience
speech’s thesis



Question 16

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When an audience member nods vigorously during a presentation, what should the speaker do?

assume that the message is “I disagree”
jump ahead to the conclusion of the presentation
look for other feedback clues, such as smiling or yawning
repeat the last statement of the presentation
take the message to be “No kidding!”


Question 17

Language that grabs listeners’ attention by appealing to the senses of sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste is considered:



Question 18

Effective public speaking skills do which of the following?

allow people to listen less closely
enhance a person’s ability to make a difference in his or her career and community
help students avoid assignments
make people more inclined to argue
render charts and graphs more important


Question 19

Which term refers to the lens through which people see and interpret reality?

critical thinking
shared meaning


Question 20

Which of the following reflects a speech’s main message and rhetorical purpose?

bibliographic content
brainstorming session
delivery style
subordination point
thesis statement



Question 21

Ethics have been playing a more prominent role in the study of public speaking because:

other disciplines have been deemphasizing experience
public speaking has changed its basic focus
the perceived credibility of many public speakers has eroded
truth has come to dominate all professions
verbal cues have lost their importance


Question 22

What are the five classical canons of rhetoric? List in order.







Question 23

The term ethics is defined as a(n):

ability to evaluate evidence
means of impeding communication
path for sending a message
set of beliefs shared by a group about what behaviors are correct or incorrect
transaction between two parties


Question 40

Ethical listeners do which of the following?

discount new information
give in to distractions
keep an open mind when they disagree with speakers
prejudge speakers
work against commonalities


Question 41

Relative to written language, oral language tends to be:

less adaptive
more formal


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