Successful Teams

Successful Teams

  1. Five characteristics of effective teams.

Teamwork has advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages of a successful team include improved productivity, increased information of knowledge, creativity and employee involvement, greater diversity of views, and increased acceptance of new solutions and ideas. Some potential disadvantages may be the tendency to let peer pressure overcome one’s judgment, pursuit of hidden agendas, and the cost in money and time when organizing team activities. Characteristics of effective teams:

  • They a clear objective and shared sense of purpose
  • Open and honest communication
  • Reaching decisions by consensus
  • Creative thinking
  • Knowing how to resolve conflicts
  1. Difference between constructive and destructive feedback.

Constructive feedback usually doesn’t come uninvited, it focuses on how to improve, makes you feel motivated, and always accepts the choices you make.

Destructive feedback is an invasion of personal space, leaves the person devastated and feeling wrong, and often discourages on advancing.

  1. How does an agenda help make a meeting more successful?

Meetings are an essential part in business. They can be a waste of time and money if conducted poorly. That’s why they should be efficient, brief and straight to the point. They should be necessary and include only necessary participants, be carefully planned and follow clear agendas.

  1. What activities make up the listening process?

The listening process involves five steps: receiving, decoding, remembering, evaluating, and responding. Barriers can disrupt the process at any point, so being a good listener involves avoid disrupting the speaker or other people, practice active listening,  see past superficial differences and distractions, and not letting selective perception affect important information.

  1. What are the six main categories of nonverbal signals?

Nonverbal signals play an important role in communication, they can either strengthen or weaken the verbal message depending on whether the nonverbal signals match the verbal message or not. They can even replace words entirely. The six major categories of nonverbal expressions are: facial expressions, gestures and posture, vocal characteristics, personal appearance, touch, and the use of time and personal space.