Patterns in Maps with demographic data

1. Look at the maps on the next two pages. What patterns do you see in these data? Pick at least one pattern and, using concepts and information you have learned this semester, explain how it relates to diversity and inequality. Based on what you see in the maps, how do your social characteristics affect your life chances?

The maps provide us with different data related to the availability of different facilities to different residents of Chicago. I was surprised to see that different social problems like poverty and crimes seem to accumulate to specific regions. And ironically these regions are the ones with food deserts. These maps provides an insight into a deep social problem.

2.  Explain Foucault’s concept of “pantopticism” and how it relates to modern society using at least one substantive reference to the reading. Thinking back to one or more theories of crime and deviance we discussed, how might a sociologist explain the widespread use of surveillance technologies (cameras, GPS tracking, wiretapping, computer surveillance, etc) in modern society? How could these technologies change how people act and/or who commits (or is a victim of) crime?

According to the concept of pantopticism, the social behavior of the people is the way it is because they fear power. Which suggests that with power, people can be controlled. Surveillance technologies are a form of establishing the power of the government. This is how we, as the citizens feel to be kept in control by the government through the establishment of its writ.

3. In “A Community of Addicted Bodies” from Righteous Dopefiend, how do Bourgois and Schonberg connect “large-scale structural forces with intimate ways of being” (p. 5)? Why do the Edgewater addicts call themselves “righteous dopefiends” and how does this relate to some of the concepts we have discussed this semester?

The large scale of power is connected to intimate ways of being by suggesting that edgewater homeless have to learn to survive even in the presence of large scale powers who won’t let them live the way they are living now. Edgewater call themselves righteous dopfiends due to their ambivalent pride.

4. What is the global growth imperative, and how does it relate to neoliberal capitalism? Describe at least two consequences of the growth imperative and how the benefits and impacts of economic growth may be unevenly distributed.

The global growth imperative is a theoretical framework in which the world economy would progress in a direction where its fruits would be evenly shared among the mankind. This is related to neoliberalism capitalism as it is an ideology that stresses on the improvement of private sector and an opportunity for all types of business people. As humans, we tend to be selfish and accumulate wealth to a few hands, therefore, even with good intentions, the economic growth may be unevenly distributed.

5. Gender and sexual identity are, for most people, cornerstones of their self-identity. In this question, you must connect our discussions of gender and sexuality to Goffman and microsociology. How would Erving Goffman characterize these aspects of the self? Are gender and/or sexuality a role that we play? Why or why not?

According to Goffman, a person would try to control the impression of others about himself when he comes in contact with others. This is how we act out in my opinion while we want to stress our sexuality in our interactions. For example, as a man, I would stress on this fact and try to guide others to form an impression of me as a strong man.