Differences between process improvement framework and problem solving framework

Differences between process improvement framework and problem solving framework

Compare and contrast the fundamental differences between process improvement framework and problem solving framework. Provide one (1) example of business management applying each framework to support your response.

The fundamentals of process analysis are based on identifying issues and problems in business processes and then applying different problem solving techniques to solve these issues. Usually gap analysis is used to identify loopholes and gaps and then rectify them. For example a business might do a gap analysis and come out with data that suggests that there is an issues of interdepartmental communication. Different departments are not properly communicating which are causing delays in the overall business process. This is a problem identified. The company would then go on identifying solutions for the problem.

Process improvement on the other hand is much simpler but more effective. In process improvement, a preemptive approach is used. We look at the future and where do we want to be in it. In this proves, we make continuous improvements to our business problems so that problems can be avoided. In problem solving, you apply a solution one time to a problem. Process improvement on the other hand is continuous and brings in improvements regularly. Let’s take the same example of the communication problem within different departments. If process improvement was utilized, there would have been no issues of communication as the system of communication would have improved over time with process improvement.