What does the term “expert” mean to you? What exactly do experts do that novices don’t?

Companies rely on employees with substantial amounts of tacit knowledge. Why do companies struggle when these employees leave the organization unexpectedly? What can companies do to help ensure that they retain tacit knowledge?

What does the term “expert” mean to you? What exactly do experts do that novices don’t?

Companies should engage more of their employees with people with tacit knowledge to avoid the issue of struggling with it once the people with tacit knowledge leave unexpectedly. There are two ways in which knowledge is gained. One is through books and literature and other is experience. Knowledge through experience can only be gained through experience.

In my opinion an expert means a person who has the knowledge and experience of a specific task or set of tasks. Novices do not have the same knowledge or experience as experts have and therefore they are not as efficient as experts are.