Do an online search for “percent notation”.

Do an online search for “percent notation”. What kind of information did you find? Was the information useful? Why or why not? Did you find the results of your search overwhelming? Why or why not?

Percent Notation

Answer 1: There are two methods that can be used to convert a fraction to a percent. The first is to divide the numerator by the denominator and then multiply the result by 100. The second method is to convert the fraction to one that has a denominator of 100.

I did not find the information overwhelming because we had that in the video before and they showed us how to work with percent notations and how to transform them one way or another.

Answer 2: There are two methods that can be used to convert a fraction to a percent. The first is to divide the numerator by the denominator and then multiply the result by 100. The second method is to convert the fraction to one that has a denominator of 100.

I did not find the information overwhelming because we had that in the video before and they showed us how to work with percent notations and how to transform them one way or another.