Describe a real-life situation in which you may want to solve a system of linear equations

Describe a real-life situation in which you may want to solve a system of linear equations. What do the y-intercepts represent in your example? What does the solution (or intersection) represent in your example?

If there is a food stand at a baseball game that is selling burgers and sodas. Each burger is $2 and each soda is $1. At the end of the day we have $100 in sale. The total of items sold is 80. x is the number of burgers and y is the number of sodas.



when we solve the equations we get that:

x=20 and y=60

by doing these calculations we can see what is the amount of each item that we sold.

Answer 2

Systems of equations are comprised of two or more equations that share two or more unknowns. We can graph the equations within a system to find out whether the system has zero solutions (represented by parallel lines), one solution (represented by intersecting lines), or an infinite number of solutions (represented by two superimposed lines). While graphing systems of equations is a useful technique, relying on graphs to identify a specific point of intersection is not always an accurate way to find a precise solution for a system of equations.