Describe a situation in which using scientific notation (not decimal notation) makes more sense.

Describe a situation in which using scientific notation (not decimal notation) makes more sense. Also, describe a situation in which decimal notation (not scientific notation) is more advantageous.

Scientific notation is basically writing very big or very small numbers in a shorter way. An example of that is a number like 52,000,000,000. It has many zeros and for us not to sit and count all of them, we can write it in a form of 5.2*10^10 by shifting the decimal point to the left by ten positions. Or another example of a very small number like 0.00000052 which in this case we move the decimal point to the right by 7 positions and we get 5.2*10^-7.

So instead of counting we can just look at the number written next to the 10 and we can know how many zeros are there. A decimal notation on the other hand will be more useful and easier to read in small numbers like 1400. If we are to write this in scientific notation it would look like this 1.4*10^3, making it longer than it really is.

Answer 2

Scientific notation, which is shorthand for writing really big or really small numbers. This is the notation used by movie producers when writing out the amount on one of Johnny Depp’s paychecks.

What is 3,400,000 in scientific notation?

Instead of writing 3,400,000, we could write 3.4 × 106. Using scientific notation in this instance may not be saving us a ton of work, but wait until the numbers become incredibly huge. Hopefully, they’ll still remember all the little numbers.

For example, 34,000,000,000,000 is a ridiculously big number. If it wore pants, it would need to shop at a Big and Tall store. It has twelve—count them, twelve—zeros. In order to avoid writing all those zeros, we abbreviate this insanely big number as 3.4 × 1013. If we start with the number 3.4 and move the decimal point 13 places to the right, we find 34,000,000,000,000. If we moved the decimal any more to the right.