Research Outline: Early Education of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Research Outlines: Early Education of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism is a disorder that has its onset in the early childhood. Children with autism have difficulty with communicating to others. These children find it hard to form relations even with their parents and siblings. It is challenging for these children to use language and understand abstract concepts. The purpose of my propose research is to investigate the challenges that are present in the early education of children with autism spectrum disorders. Following is a proposed outline of the research proposal. This is not a definite outline and may be subject to change at the later stages of my research.

Issues in diagnosis of children with autism

The first issue that is faced in dealing with children with autism is their diagnosis. There are a number of reasons that may make it difficult to diagnose children with autism. Issues like the resentment of parents against labeling of their children, unavailability of professional facilities to diagnose these children and more issues that I come across during my research would be a point of discussion in my research paper.

Difficulties faced by autistic children during their early education

In this section, I would investigate the general issues that are face by children with autism in their early education.

Placement of autistic children in regular schools

Autistic children may be place in regular schools due to a variety of reasons. In would investigate these reasons and the problems autistic children face in regular schools in my research.

Specialized setups for autistic children

In this part of my research, I would like to investigate the status of the existing setups to support the education of autistic children. I would also investigate the different means that are used in these setups.

Difficulties faced by parents of autistic children during their education

Parents of autistic children have to go through a lot of troubles while finding their children appropriate educational setups and assisting their autistic children in their early education. I would investigate these different issues faced by these parents.

Difficulties faced by teachers of autistic children

While in schools, specialized or regular, the teachers have many issues while dealing with children with autism. These issues may be addressed with proper training. I would investigate these issues and their solutions.

Support systems available to help educate autistic children

In this part of my research, I would look into the social and governmental support system available in assisting autistic children, their parents and their teachers.