Discuss how a development in a corporation’s natural and societal environments can affect the corporation

Discuss how a development in a corporation’s natural and societal environments can affect the corporation through its task environment.

Corporation’s natural environment include its physical resources, climate in which it operates and wildlife. Societal environment includes social systems that Influence Corporation’s long term decisions like Economic forces, Technological forces, Political forces, Legal Forces and Sociocultural forces. Task environment comprises of groups that directly affect a corporation and are affected by the corporation like Government, Suppliers, Competitors, Customers, Creditors, Unions and Trade associations. A development in a corporation’s natural and societal environments affects the corporation through its task environment as they are interlinked. Task environment can affect by the monitoring trends in the societal, natural environments and change in climate. Task environment can affect by the change in economic forces like interest rates, oil prices and emerging markets. Technological forces affect task environment largely as it provide virtual assistant, portable information devices and electronic networking which may change the whole way of operation. Trends in sociocultural forces like Demographics, impact of generation Y, changing pace and location of life can also affect the corporation through its task environment.