How can management and an organization encourage ethical behavior?

How can management and an organization encourage ethical behavior?

Management and organization can help the employees and leaders to encourage organizational ethical behaviors. The first facto is that the leadership or mangers of the company should play as the role model to help employees and other staff to follow. There should be clear representation of the ethical code of conducts in the partnership and stakeholder’s relationship agreements and communications.

Lead by example

By making the mangers and leaders as example means that there is a representation of the proper ethical conduct in the organization employees can follow practically. This factor includes emotional intelligence and use of the employee interest to lead those (Deshpande& Joseph, 2009).

Train employees

The employees and staff needs training and should be given such training related the use of ethical behaviors and how they can use these ethical codes to help the employees in case of harassment, broken code of conduct, or effective implementation of the values.

Reward ethical behavior

The leadership and mangers need to create the proper regards managements system to follow the ethical behaviors and the employee performances. If the employee performance is excellent then there is need of the rewards system that motivates employees to keep on their ethical work and also improve their performance (Baker, Hunt & Andrews, 2006).

Work life balance

The organization itself should show ethically values towards its staff members, employees and partners. This means that organization should be positive in terms of treatment with employee’s compensation, their work life balance and other areas here the employees and partners need social and emotional support.