The decision to escalate incidents to law enforcement is an area fraught with conflict. What are some of the pros and cons of law enforcement involvement?

The decision to escalate incidents to law enforcement is an area fraught with conflict. What are some of the pros and cons of law enforcement involvement?

In the field of information management, there are both advantages and disadvantages of involving law enforcement agencies.

Involving law enforcements agencies is useful in legally safeguarding the company in of breach of information security. For example the credit card information of the clients are stolen from the company’s information system, the company must inform the law enforcement agencies to stop the culprits from abusing the credit cards. Calling the law enforcement agencies also helps in insurance claims.

On the other hand law enforcement agencies might need to access the secret information that the company does not want to share with anyone else. The law enforcement agencies might want to access to the information related to the top management which could create issues for those who made a decision to involve the law enforcement agencies without the consent of the top management.