In a local or national newspaper, find an article about a topic related to business ethics. Read the article.

In a local or national newspaper, find an article about a topic related to business ethics. Read the article. Then, write 3–5 paragraphs that answer one of the following questions:


The article that I read was written in Forbes Magazine and was about many different reasons why Apple is one of the top-rated companies at marketing, as they were rated #1 in 2012. In the past 5 years, Apple has either been the winner or the co-winner by the sample marketers (Moorman, 2012). This article explains that Apple does many things correctly but focus on three main things: Empathy, Focus, and Impute. Simply put, Apple advertises their products using techniques that show the customers Apple truly does care about them; they focus on only the important message at hand, that people do judge a book by its cover so Apple makes sure everything is always visually pleasing.

As they have finished at the top of the marketing world for 5 years in a row, Apple obviously has cutting-edge marketing techniques. This was first noticed in the 1984 Super Bowl ad for Apples new iMac computer. This commercial was dropped with no warning and had a very different feel to it than most advertisements at the time. They focused on showing how innovative Apple was and how basic other computers were compared to Apple. This helped the customers believe that the iMac would be the future, and much more different than other products that are similar.

Another way Apple developed this cutting-edge marketing was through staffing themselves with customer obsessed employees (Moorman, 2012). Customers are the front line of business and are the ones who interact with customers on a daily basis. Apple wanted to make each customer’s experience memorable and unlike any store which has seemed to pay off. Each customer is individually greeted and assessed based on their needs. With this attention to the customer it helps make them feel important and helps the customer lead the way and find any solutions that they may be looking for. As customers are ultimately the ones who determine the success of a company, this was a great idea that has proven itself to work and put Apple way ahead of the competition.