What does the research indicate in terms of the major determinants and outcome associated with trust in leadership?

What does the research indicate in terms of the major determinants and outcome associated with trust in leadership?

The study of leadership is very extensive and includes various determinants and the causes of success that are attached with effective leadership approach. Trust is one of the determinants of success of the leadership with followers and the overall organization. The determinants of the leadership trust and its effective role in creating positive relationship with the followers include the sense of attachment and satisfaction with the leadership approach. The leaders who tend to have better sense of understanding with their followers, create cohesion and value their followers have more strength in leadership and thus have more influence. The followers need in the leader- follower relationship includes trust, satisfaction and safety; Those followers who believe because of the actions of the leaders to be just, kind and appropriate creates positive outcomes like high performance, acceptance of rewards and punishment with goals of improvements (Kelloway, Turner, Barling & Loughlin, 2012).

The outcomes of the leadership and follower’s relationship and trust include the steady growth of the organization. The steady growth and the expansion of services and business is one outcome that serves the organization investors as a whole. The other outcomes include the leader’s ability to bring change with less resistance from the followers, follower’s ability to be positive regarding the decision taken by leadership n follows these decisions without question or confusion. The outcomes of leadership trust also include the follower’s openness with their leaders to discuss issues and problems that cause their performance to lag behind. The collaborative behavior flourishes when the leaders are able to relate trust amongst their followers who will come up with ideas and solutions. The trust factor also identifies issues like theft, unauthorized actions taken by their parties or the employees themselves. The employees who tryst their leadership do not steal from their organization nor do they let others take advantage of their organization and team efforts.


Kelloway, E. K., Turner, N., Barling, J., &Loughlin, C. (2012). Transformational leadership and employee psychological well-being: The mediating role of employee trust in leadership. Work & Stress, 26(1), 39-55.