How might lack of cultural dimension play a role influencing leadership?

How might lack of cultural dimension play a role influencing leadership?

The cultural dimension is the determinant that helps understand the difference between two cultures and more to treat people from different culture according to their values. The main focus of t cultural dimension knowledge enables the person to deal with the people from different cultural values and mindset that is developed through their values, norms, local beliefs and the experiences from their culture. As leader, the person should be able to understand the differences between cultures and the treatment of people with each other. Inability to identify the differences between the leader’s culture and the follower’s culture creates issues because the acceptability and understanding between two parties is very low. The leader is expected to have ample knowledge of all the cultures that people belong to and treat them according to their values. When the leadership fails to understand and identify these differences there are two issues that arises in the influence of the leadership. The first issues are that the leadership does not have the motivation and charismatic factor that it should have given the understanding of each culture followers belong to. Secondly, the leadership does not find the common ground to connect all the followers together. The culture that is bound to the single culture, let’s say belonging to the leadership, will suppress the rest of the culture and they will find the leadership- followership behaviours does un- identified and poorly related.

The leadership that is not able to identify different cultures and treat the people according to their cultural values and norms faces issues of mistrust. The followers find that they are unable to trust the leadership and follow it to the targets and new plans. Also the leadership is questioned often regarding the lack of knowledge and understands. The power and the influence factors are disturbed when leadership is unable to identify cultural dimension and differences. But when there is insignificant differences in the cultures of followers d leadership, there are more chances of success because followers show more trust and understanding while their acceptability and flexibility towards the other cultures is higher.