Reflection on a Panel Discussion

Reflection on a Panel Discussion

Panel Introduction

Ms. Siobhan Dinkel Kelly – Senior Policy Advisor for the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)

Mr. Timo Klotz – Product Concept and Design Analyst, Audi

Ms. Jen Baltas, Project Associate, Healthy Directions, LLC.

Mr. Alex Kevorchian- Associate Portfolio Manager, Burney Investment Services, Inc.

Summary: The four panelists provided their point of view on different issues. They discussed the importance of working as part of team and the power of team work. They also advised us to understand the environment we work in by listening carefully to others.

Personal Reflection

I have always thought that it is difficult to go abroad to study or work. After the talks by different panelists, I have come to recognize the fact that working or studying in interaction with people from different cultures is obviously difficult but the rewards of successfully managing such kinds of situations are enormous. We live in a new millennium where technology has literally taken over the world. Distances have been minimized due to fast and uninterrupted communication channels. Working as part of a team from different cultures has become a norm in the modern world. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare yourself to meaningfully engage in multicultural teams.

The other point that grasped from the discussion is that it is important to be a good listener. I usually try to convey my message to others without carefully listening to them. I have realized that this behavior is not correct. I must become a good listener first. It is easy to convince others when you first know their point of view.