The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts Presentation

Presentation notes

Slide 1: Title Slide

Slide 2: The economic and philosophic manuscript is a series of notes written by Carl Marx between April and August 1844. These notes provide a glimpse into the point of view possessed by him towards the nature of the world economics. These manuscripts were first published in 1959. Marx main focus is on the alienation of labor and the nature and power of money.

Slide 3: The condition of alienation in which the labor feels alienated from the organization and the life itself is the product of the capitalist economy. The labor has no real feelings of the self and is just like a property owned by the corporate world. The status of the labor is diminished to a part of a machine.

Slide 4: The labor is not comfortable at the working place and his/her mind is somewhere else while his body is at work. The working place does not provide an opportunity to progress and reach the maximum potential of the labor

Slide 5: Laborer’s work is not voluntary and out of interest but he/she feels forced and compiled to work. The laborer finds the work to be just a mean to fulfil some physical needs. There is not an internal thrive to enjoy the work.

Slide 6: Alienation is a condition or feeling of the labor of a corporation. The labor does not consider themselves belonging to the working environment. There are four broader aspects of the alienation of the labor. The labor feels alienated from: 1. Labor product 2. Labor process 3. Themselves 4. Other humans. These aspects are explained as follows.

Slide 7: The labor feels that the product is not the fruit of his labor but something that is much important than his/her own being. The product starts to control the thoughts of the labor. The labor also does not remains involved mentally in the labor process. He/she consider themselves as just a mean of production. The labor lose a contact with themselves and the individual existence is compromised. The spiritual feeling of being a person is at stake. The labor also starts to lose contact with fellow human beings and does not enjoy life activities.

Slide 8: Money is another important topic discussed in the manuscripts of Marx. Marx has a really materialistic approach towards life. He argues that money is the basic ingredient that adds quality to relationships. Money satisfies the human needs and it brings happiness, respect, happiness and prosperity.

Slide 9: Money is a universally accepted fact. Money is useful everywhere in the world and that is what makes it most important entity. Everything in the world has its price including humans. Money has the power to make an otherwise bad person, a respectable person in the society.

Slide 10: Thanks You!