Place of “outsiders” in the High and Late Middle Ages

Place of “outsiders” in the High and Late Middle Ages

The High and Late Middle age lasted from 1000 to 1500 A.D. During this time, the status and the different options available to Women, Jews and other non-Christians varied. Overall the conditions of the mentioned groups improved over the time with the introduction of reformed Christianity and especially during the Renaissance in the Late Middle Ages i.e. 1300-1500 A.D.

In the High Middle Ages, women were still considered to be much superior to men. Women were not allowed any major role in the church as Pope Innocent III once wrote in 1200’s that even Virgin Marry was superior to all non-Christians, she was not allowed to hold the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven but the non-Christians were allowed. This shows the attitude of the church towards women.

Jews were also treated with hate in the High Middle Ages. They were accused of ritual murders and prosecuted. In 1290, Jews were ordered to leave England. As the Church power grew, Jew had more suffering coming in their way.

In the Late Middle Ages, Saint Catherine, and one another Saint called, Teresa were able to start a dialogue within the Church about women rights. But the condition of women was not still satisfactory. In the later part of the Late Middle Ages, female were restricted to do jobs outside their homes.

In 1340’s, when the pandemic of Black Death spread over Europe, Jew were accused of mixing something poisonous in the water wells that caused this pandemic. With rise of the Renaissance, Jews were able to find some place in the Christian society. The rise of the Protestant Christianity also contributed positively towards the social attitude of the Christian Europe towards Jews.